"Listening to Hopkinson Smith in a concert 25 years ago convinced me to go to the Schola Cantorum to study singing with a focus on early music. I've always loved the instrument he played and in 2009 I finally bought a Renaissance lute and started taking lessons in Basel with Maria Ferré, one of his students. Like with every new undertaking, things started very enthusiastically and gradually slowed down. It has always been hard for me to practice regularly. Although I love the lute and its repertoire, every time I decided to take the lute to practice it seemed to me like climbing Mount Everest…! It wasn't before, some days ago, Miguel Serdoura brought me this new Le Luth Doré® 8c Renaissance lute and let me play it that I realized I had been struggling for years because I had the wrong instrument: instead of climbing a mountain, playing the lute suddenly felt more like taking a beautiful walk on a Sunday morning. Playing this Le Luth Doré® lute I was finally having fun and I was actually playing well! I love the beautiful round and warm sound of this LLD® lute and the fact it's so easy to play and tune. And the looks! It really is a beautiful and professional instrument, and now I’m back not only playing the lute again, but doing so every single day! Thank you Le Luth Doré® for this beautiful lute!"

Ana Arnaz, Spanish professional singer and amateur lutenist. | Former lute student of Maria Ferré, Basel, Switzerland.
