"I applaud the initiative that has been taken by Miguel Serdoura to do something very important for the lute, something that is aimed at cementing the place of the lute and its music in contemporary society. It is an initiative that will take the lute from the periphery closer to the centre of today’s musical experience. Having had the opportunity to try one of the LLD® 8c Renaissance new lutes being produced for Le Luth Doré®, I can confidently recommend these instruments as the best high-quality inexpensive entry point to the world of the lute. These lutes are based on historical models, constructed with precision from quality materials, and remarkably responsive. Although they are designed to satisfy the needs of the lower and middle end of the market, I would not hesitate to play a concert on one of these lutes. It would give me more than adequate volume, tone quality, color, and technical ease to play confidently before any audience. »

John Griffiths, Australian professional lutenist. | Founder of Early Music Studio, University of Melbourne and director for 30 years; Head of the Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music, Monash University. Chair of the Tablature in Western Music study group of the International Musicological Society. Coordinator of publications for the Spanish Sociedad de la Vihuela, Laúd y Guitarra. Leading researcher and performer of renaissance music for vihuela and lute. | Former lute student of Eugene Dombois & Hopkinson Smith at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, Basel, Switzerland.
